Dharma Fiber Reactive Fluorescent Yellow Dye

You Can Glow Your Own Wayyyy

Dharma Fiber Reactive Fluorescent Yellow Dye
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USE FOR: Tie-Dye, Tub or washing machine Dyeing (solid color), and more!

USE ON: All natural Fibers (Cotton, Rayon, Hemp, Linen, Silk, etc.), Wood, Cane, and Rattan

Product Details 1+
2 oz.
8 oz.
1 lb.

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PR420 Example


Introducing #420 - Psychedelic Sunshine! This is the only fiber reactive fluorescent dye (glows under blacklight) that works on cellulose fibers like cotton. 

Use it the same as any of our other Dharma Fiber Reactive Dyes. It is especially effective in tie-dye. You can see one pattern in daylight and something else altogether, even secret code, under blacklight! 

How Much Psychedelic Sunshine to Use?

For best results, use the recommended amounts below:

  • Tie-Dye: 2 tsp of dye per 8 oz. of water
  • Tub Dyeing: 2% OWG with hot water (150F works best but we also had great results with 105F)
  • Tub Dyeing (Recommended for Fluorescent Safety Yellow): 4% OWG with hot water (150F works best)


  • This dye dissolves best in hot water and yields a stronger yellow when batched warm or used in hot-water tub dyeing.
  • Regular dye colors can interfere with its fluorescence. For example, mixing it with Turquoise to make green blocks most of the glow.

Why Use This Instead of Fluorescent Paints?

Some people try using fluorescent paints for the same effect, but let's be honest... those can make your fabric feel like cardboard. This dye, on the other hand, keeps your fabric soft and natural, because who wants to dance in a stiff shirt?

Fluorescent Acid Dyes vs Psychedelic Sunshine?

Our Fluorescent Acid Dyes only work on protein fibers like silk and wool, but Psychedelic Sunshine is specially formulated for cotton and other plant-based fabrics.

Using Psychedelic Sunshine for Ice Dyeing

We are still experimenting with ice dyeing, but would love to see your results! Show us what you come up with. What we do know so far is that the other colors, when they mix with the 420, they block its glow. But when it bleeds out by itself, it glows great. It is going to be great fun to experiment with!

People have been asking for this for years, and finally... the wait is over! Psychedelic Sunshine is here to light up your tie-dye world!


Dharma Fiber Reactive Dyes - Usage Instructions

You can do all these things with Fiber Reactive Dyes! - hands down the best dyes for cotton, rayon, hemp, linen and other natural fibers.

Tie-dye (multiple colors in patterns)

Tub Dyeing (solid color/one color)

Low Immersion Dyeing (very textural)


Direct Application: Painting, Printing and Stamping with Dye (instead of paint)


General and important Information about Fiber Reactive Dyes

Tie-Dye Instructions
Complete Tie-Dye instructions in five easy steps so you can have a successful Tie-Dye project!
The Tub (Washing Machine, Vat, Bucket) Dye Method
Just want a nice solid color? Here we tell you how to do it!
The Spiral - Tie-Dye Basics
A clear and easy tutorial on how to tie-dye a shirt with the most popular pattern: the spiral.
Cat and Basketball Tie-Dye Tutorial
Level Up Your Tie-Dye with Kitty Cats and Basketballs
Heart Tie-Dye Tutorial
Wear your heart on your....shirt tutorial
Finding videos...
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