The short story on coupons and promotions is that there are very few.
We know that some websites hide coupon / promo codes in their sites, and if you just search well enough you can get free shipping or something. We don't do that.
The only coupons or promo codes we give out will be in our newsletters, or sent to you directly.
Please note, there are lots of 'coupon sites' that gather coupons and promo codes from across the internet and often they have a 'Dharma coupon'. However, almost assuredly, what they have is not a valid coupon, and won't work when entered on our site. Apologies for this, we have no control over them.
Again, the only coupons or promo codes we give out will be in our newsletters, or sent to you directly.
We email a newsletter approximately once a week. These sometimes include new Featured Artists, new featured products, early notice of sale items, special deals, and other news of interest to textile artists. You know, all the cool insider info!
We never share, sell, or do anything sinister with your email address and we hate spam as much as the next person, so rest easy.
You can always opt out of the newsletter if you choose.