Wood, cane and rattan are all cellulose fibers, so they take can fiber reactive dyes too. We recommend that you test first because unlike fabric, these types of fibers might be more resistant to the dye.
For wood chips or small pieces, cane, reed and anything that can be submerged,
- Uncoil, untie so the dye can reach all surfaces. Wash the reed if needed. There can't be any finish on the material to prevent the dye from seeping in. Soda ash in with the wash bath helps scour it even better.
- Determine the amount of lukewarm water needed to completely cover the material and for the material to move around freely. Then for each gallon add one tablespoon of dye (pre-dissolved) and 1/2 cup plain salt. Stir to mix thoroughly.
- Put the material into the dyebath and agitate (stir) frequently for 20 minutes. Some customers have gotten even more vibrant results on cane, rattan and reed by letting this all soak for an additional 24 hours before adding soda ash.
- Add 1/3 cup of Soda Ash for each gallon of water used. (Pre-dissolve in hot water and add slowly).
- Leave in dyebath for up to 2 more hours or until the desired shade is reached. Some customers who are doing the above 24 hour soak are saying 2 hours of soda ash works best. Remember that the color will be lighter when dry.
- Rinse under cold running water to remove all excess dye and allow to dry.
For wood or other cellulose material that will be sealed,
If you are going to apply varnish, Verathane or another finish coat, then the dye need not be "set". Just mix the dye with water and apply to the wood with a brush or rag. Let dry and seal. Fiber Reactive dye is primarily intended for use on fabrics and we can make no promises as to how well it will work on your particular fiber. Run tests first so you can get the desired result.