We provide Safety Data Sheets (SDS) for every chemical, dye, paint, etc. we sell, if there is one available. If the one you need isn't found online call us and ask for it (800) 542-5227.
Keep in mind that these are written for worst case scenarios for the manufacturing environment where the workers make and/or package the product all day long - 40 hours/week. Many of the products below are non-toxic, so the SDS will say that. With products that list an ingredient that can be hazardous if misused, the SDS will list that ingredient and at what percent it occurs in the product. The common theme here is to use good old fashioned common sense, ie: Don't eat them, drink them, or allow your pets, children or friends to either. Don't get them in your eyes. Protect your skin. Work in well ventilated areas. Wear a dust mask when working with powders. Wear a better quality respirator with the proper filters if you work with powders a lot, are pregnant or working with something that has fumes and mists. Keep your work area clean. If someone does ingest one of these products, or gets a chemical in their eyes, you should provide the physician with the SDS or let them know where they can access them on our site. Flush eye exposures immediately and seek first aid if symptoms continue to persist. Remember, the only way these things are going to get into your system is if you eat them or breath them. Common sense easy safety equipment and procedures prevent that.
These are in PDF format, for easy viewing and printing. To view/print these files, you'll need a program that reads PDF files. The most popular PDF program is called "Acrobat Reader" from Adobe.
SDS (Safety Data Sheets) and GHS (Globally Harmonized System) are New Sheets that will be replacing all of the old MSDS sheets. These are new requirements being implemented by OSHA as of June 1, 2015. All groups and schools and those that need to have the information will have to update their files. As of June 4th, we have not received many of these sheets, but as we get them from our suppliers they will be available on this page.