Featured Artists

Featured Artist : Barbara Buza

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Artist Bio / Statement

I am a self-taught artist, and I have been raising three daughters with my husband in Maine. I am working full-time as a nurse, but my passion is my art. I couldn't afford to go to college, and now I can't find the time to do so.

Karen Sistek introduced me to the fabulous medium of dyes on silk two years ago, and it was instant love. I want to do nothing else. I am a Christian woman who now only paints the Word of God -- the Bible -- starting with Genesis 1:1. I guess I have a little work to do!

I have also experimented in other mediums: pencil, oil, and watercolor. Silk painting is a challenge, and I enjoy a good challenge. I use Procion Dyes for the vibrant colors on the silks, with the water based permanent resist, using squeeze bottles with professional metal tips. I also use dye fixative during the washing of silk and the synthrapol textile detergent. I also order all my silks from Dharma Trading: the Habotai and crepe de chine, and other silks to experiment with -- exciting. You can also see some of my others works in oil and watercolor, as well as silk, on my website at http://www.bransart.com.

Thank you sooo much for letting me be one of your featured artists.


Contact Info

Dharma Products Used

Silk Fabrics
Water Based Resists
Squeeze Bottles, Yorker Spouts and Caps
Dharma Dye Fixative
Synthrapol Detergent

Customer Comments
Image of a notebook and pencil

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