Dharma Acid Dye Poster

Dharma Acid Dye Poster
4.75 star rating 4.75 ( 4 review )
Product Details 1+
F - Folded $1.99
Product Details Qty
Color Chip / Item imageF - Folded
Poster size 13"x17"
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This poster shows all the delicious colors available in our Dharma Trading Co. Acid Dye line. Due to the popularity of our Dharma Fiber Reactive Dye poster, which you can see here, it seemed natural to add in this Acid Dye poster for your additional enjoyment.

Please note, the colors achieved in dyeing will not match the colors on the poster exactly. Dyeing is a craft, not a science, there are many variables that can affect the final color result, so please be aware that the color chips on the poster will not match the dyed piece exactly. That said, we did put a good amount of time and effort into making the colors as accurate as possible to the final results (as dyed on silk - wool can come out darker, or even different). Not easy to do when working on computer screens, then translating them into printed colors! Then the printed poster order came in and did not completely match the final accepted proof - common, this happens with our catalog too. All the purples and violets have a wee bit too much red in them in this printing. But all in all, we hope the poster will be a huge help to you in comparing and selecting your Dharma Acid Dyes!

All 80+ colors are included, the poster measures 17" x 22"

Artist tip: Tape the color swatch to the lid of your dye for easy color coding.


Average Customer Review
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5 star rating
I love seeing all the colors in one place. I put a small dot by each color name to indicate that I have it in my inventory.
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9 of 9 users found this review helpful.

5 star rating
Great poster! I keep both posters hung up in my fiber arts room and use another set of posters to cut out the individual colours and attach each colour to it's corresponding dye jar top. that way i can recognize by colour the dye I want to use any time I want to dye.
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5 of 6 users found this review helpful.

4 star rating
I really like the color chart but would like to have another version that's sorted by color name instead of number. When I'm in the middle of a project I remember the color names but not their numbers so it would be faster to find the name.
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5 of 6 users found this review helpful.

5 star rating
Great tool for my shop.
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2 of 3 users found this review helpful.

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Image of a notebook and pencil

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