For many of these projects, our Group Tie-Dye Instructions can make the process easier!
1. Girl & Boy Scout, Brownie & Cub activities: Tie-dye works great as a troop activity and has been done 100's of times across the country. Kids love it and it's easy on the leaders and not expensive. Group Kits make it real simple.
2. The Crystal Wash Method: This is a form of "low immersion" dyeing that results in a sharp distinct crystalline looking pattern. Click here for more info!
3. Family Reunions: We get letters and fantastic photos from all parts of the country - everyone from Grandpa to the newest arrivals decked out in tie-dye that they all shared an afternoon creating. It's a super way to bring everyone together in a shared activity.
4. Personal & Gift Projects: Create some unique and one-of-a-kind garments for yourself, friends and family. Gift that you make yourself are always highly valued. Create items for your wordrobe in your favorite colors.
5. Birthday Parties: With a little preparation by an adult, even the youngest kids can have a great time making their own individual tie-dyes - and it can be done without making a big mess!
6. Camp Activity: Tie-dye has been a favorite summer camp activity for more years that most of us remember. If you know the number of people, we know the numbers of everything else!
7. Fund Raisers: Set up a booth at an event. Prep all the materials. Have T-shirts on hand. People come to the booth and buy a T, fold it, dye it, put it in saran wrap and take it home. Somewhere in the process they give you money!
8. Team Uniforms: Tie-dye them, then have them screen printed with text or use our InkJet Transfer Paper to do it all yourself.