General Information about the AirPen® Color Dispenser
Draw long flowing lines and fine details without squeeze bottles or brushes. Draw fine lines with thick mediums. The SilkPaint Air Pen® prevents hand fatigue and is ideal for arthritic hands and those with carpal tunnel syndrome.
The SilkPaint Air Pen comes fully equipped with the following: 5 cartridges, 5 anti-gravity "followers", 5 red storage tips and storage plugs with tabs, 14 Interchangeable applicator tips of assorted sizes for thick to thin lines, air shield for drop string applications, dispenser, 1 cleaning plunger, puller tool, compressor (with up to 10psi) with 6 ft air line; 100V thru 240V DC power adapter, and a durable plastic case with instructions
To use the AirPen® Color Dispenser
- Remove small red storage cap and twist on a tip.
- Fill cartridge about half full (to a maximum of 3/4" from the top) and insert follower into end of cartridge. When not in use, place pen in a coffee cup containing a slightly damp paper towel or tissue, with AirPen tip pointed down.
- To begin, lightly cover the entire area of the beveled hole with the tip of your forefinger for contents to flow; lift finger to stop the flow. Varying fingertip pressure over the hole will increase/decrease flow, or use another size tip for wider or narrower lines.
To Clean the Air Pen®
- Unplug electric cord.
- Twist cartridge from pen body, remove follower, and twist off tip. Use plunger to empty cartridge. (Tip: a bit of glycerin — or water — will enable plunger to slide easily through cartridge For best results, store plunger in the cleaned cartridge).
- Replace tip and force water through tip with plunger (or immediately place tip in water or appropriate solvent before cleaning).
- Clean follower.
***Important Tips***
- Clean the pen and the components thoroughly after each use. Liquid medium (not solvent based) may be temporarily stored in cartridge. Twist off tip (clean thoroughly) and replace with rubber storage cap. Remove and clean the followers.
- Never soak or submerge electric air pump in water.
- To change tip on a cartridge: first remove cartridge from dispense, twist off tip, twist on new tip.
- Always ensure that tip and follower are clean for best operation.
- Liquid used in pen must be pourable and self-leveling.
You can use the AirPen with:
Thickened dyes
Craft paints
Oil paints
Ceramic glazes
Wax resist
Clay slip
China paint
Liquid polymer clay
Nail polish
Automotive paints
Assembly fluids
Model paints
Liquid leading