Lumiere & Neopaque are highly "color" saturated paints that intermix beautifully to create an unlimited range of custom colors. When you are looking for TOTAL coverage and a soft flexible hand on fabrics, particularly blacks and denims, LUMIERE paints are the very best. From a 4 oz jar you can expect maximum coverage of about 6 square feet when hand painting and 12.5 square feet when stamping. The LUMIERE paints are truly metallic for that special glitz and elegant sheen! These paints work on natural fabrics, synthetics and blends. We recommend pre-washing fabrics, pressing after washing. The paints are not effective on fabrics which have been treated with a repellent finish such as water repellent or soil repellent. In addition to hand painting on fabrics, the consistency of the paints is just right for use on leather, wood, paper, walls, canvas, basketry material, fibers and for highlighting over hand dyed fabrics. Use the paints for stamping, & stenciling too. The paints will maintain their original consistency for a minimum of 1 year. Store out of the sunlight, in a cool dark place out of the reach of children. Clean up is with soap and water. Safe and easy to use. Stir paints well from the bottom up before using. We always recommend good safety precaution in your work space, and good ventilation, thin latex gloves and an apron to protect skin and clothing. To apply the paints, use firm brushes, stencil brushes, rollers, brayers, sponges, metal tipped applicators for fine lines, squeeze bottles, rubber stamps, and an assortment of natural objects such as leaves, etc. Add 10-20% of the extender to thin the paints for a watercolor wash look
- As a resist: LUMIERE paints can be used as an alternative to colored and metallic resists. Safe to use and permanent after heat setting. Apply the paints with a fine line metal tipped applicator, brush or stamp. Set according to directions and then paint with dyes.
- Line work and surface decoration: Once your fabric is dyed or painted, set, rinsed and ironed, use the paints for surface embellishments and highlights. This can be line work, brush strokes or stamping. Set the paints.
- Stenciling: LUMIERE paints will produce clear print resolutions and hold a fine detail. Use stencil paper, waterproof per-cut stencils and masking tape. Excellent with traditional stencil brushes and foam rollers. When using the foam roller, the number of passes will determine the effect. You can obtain from a brushed look to crisp solid color.
- Stamping: Great for stamping! Make your own with our flexible printing plate, or purchase ready made stamps. Apply the paint to the stamp lightly with a foam brush. Apply even pressure and stamp.
- Marbling: when marbling use a methyl cellulose base. Some customers have obtained spectacular results when using the LUMIERE paints in combination on one project. However, because of all the pigment, these paints are notoriously hard to float on the size (tend to sink), so we actually do not recommend this product as a paint of choice for marbling.
- Sponge painting: Use sponges with different textures to imitate the look of rocks, wood or marble. A wide variety of sponge textures are available at hardware stores and drugstores. Apply the paint directly into the sponge and print. Use for repeat patterns. Several colors can be used at one time to simulate patterns.
- Monopainting: You may wish to add some extender to the paints because they dry very quickly. Using the back of a spoon, lightly coat a smooth flat surface (Plexiglass, glass) with the paints. Outline shapes with tool and /or drop some isopropyl alcohol. to disperse the paints. Place fabric (silk canvas, etc) over that and use a brayer or roller to imprint.
- Leaf and found object painting: A leaf is the perfect example. Coat a leaf with paint (blend colors directly on the leaf). Place the painted leaf upside down on the fabric. Cover with paper and apply even pressure either with your hand, or a roller or a brayer. Remove the leaf, dry and set. The effect obtained by feathers and other found objects is quite attractive.
- Painting leather: LUMIERE paints are very effective on leather and do not require heat setting. Use only leather which has not been waterproofed and has no repellent finish. Air cure for one week before dry cleaning. Create custom leather accessories such as belts shoes, gloves, wallets handbags and jewelry. Revitalize old leather shoes, belts, boots, etc.
Heat Setting
When properly heat set, painted fabrics can be laundered and dry cleaned. They have excellent wash-fastness when laundered on the gentle cycle and dried on low heat without fabric softeners. Items which will not be laundered need not be heat set. When applying one product over another, always set the first before applying the next. allow the paint to dry to the touch and air cure for 24 hours. Set the paints in one of the following methods.
- For smaller surfaces, use a dry iron and protect your iron and ironing board with a press cloth. Iron both sides for a least 30 seconds on each side, with the iron set on cotton/linen setting.
- For large projects and yardage, approximately 3 to 5 yards, or for sensitive fabrics such as polyester, nylon and acetate, use a high temperature commercial dryer set at 180 degrees for a minimum of one hour. Painted leather does not require heat setting and can be safely cleaned through a leather cleaning process after the leather has cured for one week.