Even though its exact history is uncertain, fragments of batiks projected origin dates back to the first century where it was discovered in ancient Egyptian tombs. Evidence of early Batik has also been found all over the Middle East, in India, Central Asia and Africa.
By the nineteenth century, after the importation of more finely woven cloth from India and Europe, it became a highly accomplished art form in Java and Bali in Indonesia. Recognizable motifs, patterns and colors were developed and designed to identify ones family, social status and geographic origin. Some experts feel that it was originally reserved for Javanese royalty on that island, and possibly a pass time of the princesses and noble ladies of the time. The word Batik seems to come from an Indonesian word 'ambatik', a cloth with little dots.
In the seventeenth century as the world grew smaller, batiking was introduced to Holland and other parts of Europe. In the early 1900s, batik fabrics became very fashionable in Germany. Later on, Europeans and Americans traveling and living in the East rediscovered the ancient process and brought it back to their homelands. Today, art schools across the United States offer batik courses as part of their textile curricula.