The days of hand rolled scarf hems may be numbered. The number of workers that have the skill and willingness to hand hem thousands of scarves is decreasing (They are getting older, and the young folks in China don't want to do it). And these days scarves can be hemmed faster and cleaner with machines.
So, we went and got a bunch of different styles of machine hemmed scarves and tested them out. As a market test, we decided to bring in the most popular style, 8mm habotai, in the most popular sizes. We encourage you silk painters and dyers to give them a try and let us know what you think. We believe this is the future, and we think you will agree. Not as quaint, but hopefully better. For now, if you still like hand hemmed, we still have them in all the fabrics and sizes!
Sewn with silk thread, of course.
Made in: CHINA (CN)