It's a's a liquid's a liquid wax used at room temperature...wut?
So the wizards over at the H. Dupont company have created a magical substance that produces Batik-like effects but does not need to be heated. That's right, it's a WAX that you don't need to melt! Right out of the bottle and at room temperature, the H. Dupont Cire A Froid can be applied like a traditional wax, with a brush, pipette or any of your favorite methods to create very fine and delicate details. When fully dry, the wax will resist exposure to liquid dyes or paints, whether by immersion or direct application.
Like a traditional wax, it cannot be immersed in hot water but will easily repel dyes or paints applied at room temperature. Ideal for use with steam set dyes, as much of the wax will dissipate into the wrapping material during steaming. After steaming, simply rinse and wash per usual in textile detergent to remove leftover wax residue along with excess dye.
Cold Wax can be applied with your regular gutta resist applicator but is a little more fluid so as always TEST, TEST, TEST to get a feel for the flow and spread of this unique product before you apply it to your main project!
Made in: FRANCE (FR)