Dorland's Wax Medium

Liquid Cold Wax

Dorland's Wax Medium
4.00 star rating 4.00 ( 1 review )
Product Details List Price 1+
4 oz $13.39 $7.49
16 oz (pint) $33.99 $17.25
Product Details Qty
Color Chip / Item image4 oz
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Color Chip / Item image16 oz (pint)
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For gallons (128 oz.), please call us for availability and lead times. (800) 542-5227

Dorland's Wax Medium is a translucent compound of waxes and resin to be mixed with oil paint, powdered pigments, powdered metals, Pearl Ex Pigments, colored sands, dyes, and other compatible fine art materials.

Excellent for cold wax painting and mixed media, and as a protective coating for paintings, wood, plastic, metal objects or photos. Excellent as a protective and permanent sealing medium. Resists cracking and dries more quickly than oil paints used by themselves.

Directions: Thin wax medium to a flowing consistency with turpentine, poppy seed oil or heat.

Dorland's Wax Medium is without doubt the highest quality fine arts medium available. It is intended for artists who desire the greatest possible longevity and permanence of their creations while at the same time preserving quality of tone and conception.

Incredibly versatile its technical applications are practically unlimited. Use for:

  • Oil Painting
  • Cold Wax Painting
  • Hot Wax Painting
  • Mixed Media
  • Thinning
  • Glazing
  • Wax Coating Painting
  • Final Picture Finish
  • Cleaning Wax Paintings
  • Frame Finishing
  • Photo Sealing
  • Wax Coating
  • Wax Polishing
  • And more...

Dorland's Wax Medium is a select artist's painting medium compounded from a scientifically balanced formula. This formula was painstakingly evolved from an intensive review of painting techniques. Dorland's Wax Medium is especially intended for artists who desire to insure the greatest possible longevity and permanence fo their creations while at the same time preserving quality of tone and quality of conception. It contains pure fossil earth reinforced with additive waxes, resins, and oils. This translucent, colorless and permanent medium has the plasticity of tube oil colors. It mixes instantly with oil colors, powdered pigments, powdered metals, colored sands, dyes, plastic colors, and other compatible fine art materials. The tremendous "locking up" and isolating powers allows the artist to exploit a great variety of coloring agents with complete freedom of style, technique, and control.

Dorland's Wax Medium is undoubtedly the choicest fine arts medium in its field. It's adaptabilities and technical applications are practically unlimited. It is superior as a painting medium for its translucency, compatibility and permanence. Light is allowed to penetrate the surface, and colors transmitted to our eyes take on qualities of luminosity and clarity not possible with other mediums. When mixed with artist's oils and colors, Dorland's special blend of non-yellowing fossil waxes and resins prove to actually strengthen the paint film against shrinkage and cracking. Dirt, air and moisture are sealed out. When fully dry, the artwork is resistant to heat and abrasion. because of the tremendous "locking up" and isolating powers found in Dorland's Wax Medium, there is little or no chance of muddiness of tone. Even the palette scrapings will possess intensely beautiful tonal values with surprising clarity. Wax paintings have inherent qualities of brilliance and luminosity. These valuable virtues are apparent to a marked degree in paintings executed with this medium.


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4 star rating
I have used Dorland's Wax Medium in my oil paintings specially using a palette knife and found it to be very easy to handle and of excellent quality. FK
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