USE FOR: Airbrushing, "faux" Tie-dye, "faux" batik, customizing sneakers
USE ON: Fabric, Leather (including Shoes!), Wood, Paper, Plastic, and Metal
Product Details
List Price
4 oz.
8 oz.
Jacquard developed these inks specifically for airbrush applications. They are taking the world by storm for customizing sneakers too - see the video! We've tried them and find they work great for faux-tie dye and faux batik too!
These deep, brilliant colors airbrush like a dream on any surface including fabric, leather (including shoes!), wood, plastic and metal. Jacquard colors are bright, clear, inter-mixable, and acid free.
Once dry and properly heat set on fabric, Jacquard Airbrush paint is permanent and indelible in water.
Ready to Airbrush right out of the bottle
Available in vibrant Transparent, Fluorescent (glow under blacklight), Opaque and Metallic colors
Works on fabric, leather, wood, plastic, and metal
Water based and intermixable
Non-toxic and conform to ASTM D-4236
Heat set with a heat-gun or dry iron for permanency, or mix in some Jacquard Airfix and cure several days.
Don't miss out on the new addition of #150 Clear Extender Airbrush Medium! Check out the Description tab below for more info.
Marblers please note: While most of these colors will work just fine for marbling, and used to be the best we had for that, Jacquard has released new Marbling Colors specifically for that purpose which are practically foolproof for marbling!
8 oz. size is only available in White and Black and Opaque White and Black.
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these paints are great for airbrushing or marbling. I didn't have any problems with the paint clogging my airbrush and the opaque metallic colors come out brilliant.
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13 of 13 users found this review helpful.
I used these for marbling and boy the colors turned out fantastic!- Very bright.
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11 of 11 users found this review helpful.
Initially I was having a hard time with these colors but I discovered that I mixed my sizing wrong. Mixed up another batch of sizing and started over. Was very happy with the vibrancy of the colors and am happy with the results. I also found that this brand mixes well with other types of marbling acrylics. I especially liked the "solidness" of the colors.
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7 of 7 users found this review helpful.
Used these for marbling. They worked beautifully but had to be careful of the amount of water added. If they were too heavy they'd sink but they were beautiful
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6 of 6 users found this review helpful.
excellent flow easily diluted and great coverage i ordered transparent by mistake and glad i did ive got to try the opauges now their airbrush line is a must have in all colors
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6 of 6 users found this review helpful.
Nothing against these paints great color selection however try as I might I could NOT get these to work for me for marbling on either carageen or methocel. Contacted Jacquard and they did their best to walk me through troubleshooting sadly without success. It appears others happily marble with them so I have no idea why they wouldn't work for me.
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0 of 0 users found this review helpful.
The colors are beautiful however I purchased these for fabric marbling based on other reviews here and I can't get them to float on top of each other. First layer of stones goes down perfectly but next color sits in little drops won't spread and sinks. Have tried distilled water Golden Flow Release and Jacquard synthetic gall no luck. Fresh methocel size tried various thicknesses. Paint also starts drying very quickly and 'crazes' breaking up and becoming grainy. Golden GAC800 helps with that but I'm at a loss as to what else to do to get these paints to float!!
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0 of 0 users found this review helpful.
Whilst the colours are vibrant I can't recommend these for tiedying - so if you're wanting a flouro option this isn't it. These are a paint and so sit on the surface of the garment and don't truly bond with it.Worse is that they have a fairly hard hand and penetration is very dependent on getting into fabric folds. Placement can't be easily controlled and these will bleed a lot.Until a true fluorescent Procion dye powder is made this is worth a shot but you won't get great results.
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0 of 0 users found this review helpful.
I think this stuff good. Yet need to learn more about this product to make it best choice.
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0 of 0 users found this review helpful.
Fabulous product
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0 of 0 users found this review helpful.
Excellent for airbrush or even diluting and brushing on dipping pouring for theatre breakdown. Also heat sets by putting dried item in hot dryer for 20 minutes.
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3 of 3 users found this review helpful.
Love working with this product. Always pleased with results. Love Dharma Trading the best one stop shopping for me!
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0 of 1 users found this review helpful.
the colors are strong and blend well but they are very heavy for marbling.
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