Afterfix is the quickest way to PAINT with Dharma Fiber Reactive Procion Dye or Reactive Vinyl Sulpnone dyes without long curing or steaming. It will fix Fiber Reactive Dyes on Cotton, Rayon, Linen, Hemp, Silk, and similar natural fabrics.
Just mix the dye powder with water, add thickener to make it a more paint-like consistency if you want - nothing else. Now paint it on. When it's dry, completely cover the dyed area with DyeHouse Afterfix (paint it on with a brush or foam brush). Apply carefully so as not to smear your design. It's a thick liquid, so it is more practical for small projects. You can't thin it or you dilute its fixing properties. Keep the project damp (cover with plastic if it is a hot dry climate), then one hour later wash out the Afterfix and excess dye and you are done! Do not let it dry on anything! Once it dries, it won't come off.
ALERT: The one precaution to take with this product, is don't let it dry on anything! Once it dries, it won't come off. If it gets on your clothes or work surface, wash off immediately with plain water. We recommend using gloves, aprons, and drop cloths to keep you and your workspace clean!