Natural Yarns to dye in solid colors or hand paint into variegated yarns. They are natural in color and come in skeins averaging about 8 ounces unless otherwise noted.
Priced and sold by the skein, which are wound in loose hanks and ready for your dye pot (we recommend pre-washing with Dharma's Professional Textile Detergent first for best results). For the best and most professional results, use our Dharma Fiber Reactive Procion Dye for the cottons, rayon blends, and bamboo, and either the Dharma or the Jacquard Acid Dyes for the wools and silks and nylon. We also carry a selection of Natural Dyes.
The Sample Card (#YARNFS) comes with 8" samples of every yarn, so you can get a better idea of how they look and feel.