Fiber Etch

Make your own cutwork!


Fiber Etch
4.12 star rating 4.12 ( 24 review )
Product Details List Price 1-4 5+
Fiber Etch - 4 Oz. $12.10 $11.75 10.95
Fiber Etch - 32 Oz. $57.20 $54.52 49.56
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Color Chip / Item image 4 oz.
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Color Chip / Item image 32 oz.
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One Fiber Etch® use is for creating Devoré (a centuries’ old French technique which means “devour”) or “burnout” effects in fabric blends and is used by top designers for fabulous looks.

Here’s how it works. Fiber Etch® removes only plant fibers: cotton, linen, rayon, ramie and hemp – any fiber that comes from a plant. (Rayon is a synthesized wood product, which enables it to be grouped in the plant category, as is Tencel and the newest cellulose derived fabric fibers.) Protein fibers (coming from animals: silk, wool) are not affected by Fiber Etch® and neither are synthetics. These fibers are left behind in fabric blends when Fiber Etch® removes the plant fibers, creating beautifully sheer areas.

Fiber Etch may be applied from the bottle, stamped with foam decorator stamps, painted on with a brush, stenciled, or silkscreened on the fabric. When dry, fabric is tumbled dried or ironed to activate, and then rinsed to remove the plant fibers.

Fabric-wise, the fabric must be without a surface finish or sizing (if there is a finish applied, Fiber Etch® cannot get through finish to do the business of etching). Good combinations for experimentation are rayon/wool blends, rayon/poly blends, silk/rayon and silk/cotton blends.

ALWAYS be sure to wash your fabric thoroughly with HOT water and Synthrapol, before etching, to remove any residual sericin gum from the silkworms, etc. Silkworm gum, fingerprints and other stuff on the fabric can resist the Fiber Etch, causing it to rest on top of the fabric instead of sinking in, and you will get less than optimal results with incomplete etching of your design. 


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5 star rating
Package directions are poor use Dharma's
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10 of 10 users found this review helpful.

4 star rating
Took me two goes to figure out how to use it. Was too cautious the first time. Second time I used more heat and it worked beautifully. Can't wait to do larger pieces. Thanks.
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8 of 8 users found this review helpful.

5 star rating
It took a while to learn how to use this product but I'm happy with the results. If you are using Dharma's satin or velvet scarves (a silkrayon blend) I've found that activating it in the dryer is safer than using an iron. The iron can burn through the silk too and I damaged 3 scarves trying to get it right. Other than the learning curve this product does work as advertised.
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6 of 6 users found this review helpful.

4 star rating
fun product!!! factor in time and materials to learn how to use it
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6 of 6 users found this review helpful.

5 star rating
This was really great for preparing the devore satin for the alter ego dyes. I love being able to use my own designs in the fabric. Be sure to follow the instructions. (The video on Dharma's site was very helpful.)
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5 of 5 users found this review helpful.

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