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Starting May 2016 Jacquard has renamed and relabeled the well known "Discharge Paste". Still the same reliable product just with a more descriptive name. They have also added a 4 ounce mist sprayer to the line up for additional deColouring fun.
deColourant is a reducing agent for safely removing color from natural fibers, and is even safe on silk. It removes most fiber reactive dyes (such as Dharma's Fiber Reactive MX dyes), direct dyes, and many acid dyes, especially the "leveling" ones. The pre-metallized ones and some milling don't discharge. It is thick enough to block print, brush it on, screen it on, stencil it on, etc. You can apply the paste to your fabric, let it dry and steam it with a steam iron or steam in a steamer for 10 minutes or so, until it stops discharging. Then wash your fabric in a good detergent like Dharma Dyer's Detergent, and rinse in Milsoft to restore softness. Wear gloves and work in a well ventilated area when using discharge chemicals.
deColourant does not always remove all of the color, it depends on the dye and the color to which it is applied. For example, some yellow Fiber Reactive Dyes don't discharge, but the blues do, so when you discharge a green, you may get a yellow, orangey or peachy color. Always best to test! We have also found it works best when fairly fresh. It can be used for creating interesting negative image effects. Use in silk painting and tie-dye: paint on retied, dyed garments after they have dried for great effects.
See our Discharging Directions for more info. It is fairly safe to use but does have a strong ammonia smell so use it in a well ventilated place.
Note - Due to a changes in the black dyes used on our pre-dyed BLACK clothing items, deColourant sporadically works on these items. Other commercially dyed fabrics and garments are a total crap shoot, because you have no idea what they are dyed with. Test, test, test!!! Sometimes if this won't discharge something, bleach or our new Jacquard Screen Ink Discharge will, so the best discharge artists do a lot of experimenting!
deColourant Mist
Jacquard Discharge Systems
World Map Discharge Print
Bethany Schlegel activating her beautiful deColourant prints of ferns on linen.