Machine Hemmed Crepe de Chine Scarves 12mm

Machine Hemmed Crepe de Chine Scarves 12mm
2.03 star rating 2.03 ( 162 review )
Product Details 1-11 12+
8x54 $5.92 5.52
11x60 $8.19 7.65
14x72 $11.04 10.30
Product Details Qty
Color Chip / Item image8x54
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Color Chip / Item image11x60
This product is sellable
Color Chip / Item image14x72
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Machine hemmed 12mm Crepe de Chine scarves! The same as our hand rolled Crepe de Chine scarves except the hems are machined with 100% silk thread, rather than hand rolled and stitched. The hems are more consistent, flat, don't pucker when dyed and are generally great.

The "Mercedes" of the silks, Crepe de Chine is heavier and more substantial than Habotai, with a soft, more luxurious texture. The crepe finish adds a bit of interest and has a more subtle sheen. These are very popular with folks who are looking to dye or paint something nicer, but still very affordable. Ready to dye and paint!

We recommend, especially if you are re-selling, to pre-wash in Hot water and Synthrapol or our Professional Textile Detergent, all silk before dyeing or painting to remove any leftover residue from the silk worms (Seracin) or finger prints and other stuff that can cause the fabric to dye unevenly. Our product Milsoft is excellent for restoring the soft hand to silk after dyeing.

Made in: CHINA (CN)

Average Customer Review
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2 star rating
The sewing quality was very good but as I feared the thread did not dye as completely as the fabric. True of the hand hemmed too but on the machine hemmed it really shows. Also the 14x72 size was good 2" short. Since these shrink 4" after steamingwashing and are already on the short side I wasn't thrilled about that. I have to say I will be heart broken should the day come when the hand hemmed are no longer available. The machine hemmed lack the richness and charm. I tried the chiffon too - less objectionable somehow.
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26 of 36 users found this review helpful.

10 star rating
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2 of 3 users found this review helpful.

3 star rating
Very short! I dont recall having bought any 12x66 scarves however I did purchase a dozen 14x72 scarves I have had this happen so often with so so many of the scarves Ive bought here. 8x48 11x 55 etc. Seems like most are 3-6 short and on very rare occasions only 2 short but never are they as long as they should be. These manufacturers in China are cheating their customers (think about it DT buys a 100000 scarves and each is short several inches its nuts!). Im sure they save lots and lots of money by shorting every scarf they they make by several inches. Except for (possibly) the ones they show the buyers and this is before Ive even dyed them or exposed them to heat theyll lose a couple to a few more inches then. I mean at that point I have to lower my prices to smaller scarf prices. Not cool. 2 I can deal with6 is just too much! Problem is finding other suppliers. DTs prices are better than most yes but still doesnt seem fair. So frustrating. I find it hard to believe that this is just human error by the makersits intentional.
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5 of 8 users found this review helpful.

4 star rating
Seems to be a slightly different silk with a different weave. Like the hand-rolled product better. Still a nice scarf for the price though.
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6 of 10 users found this review helpful.

4 star rating
Seems to be a slightly different silk with a different weave. Like the hand-rolled product better. Still a nice scarf for the price though.
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3 of 5 users found this review helpful.

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