The owners and employees of Dharma are absolutely against the idea of unfair treatment of workers, forced labor and anything that deprives a person of human dignity.
If we should become aware that anything we sell is produced under any of those conditions we would refuse to continue selling it. Moreover, we are actively involved in promoting fair trade clothing sewing in countries like Bolivia and Indonesia. You can find the products from the cooperatives we support on our web-site.
We go further in that Dharma has provided free cataract surgery for the poor, eye exams and eyeglasses for school children and financially supports open heart surgeries for poor indigenous children in Bolivia.
That said, many of our products are produced in factories and workshops in places we have never been to and we have no idea what goes on there, especially the items we have to import from China. Our orders are not significant enough to allow us to demand proof that all is well with the workforce. We are in reality a small company without great "clout" and we can not afford to visit every supplier in every country.
What we CAN say now is that several of the BRAND name manufacturers whose apparel we carry, specifically Hanes, Fruit of the Loom, LAT Sportswear, Gildan and Bella/Canvas brands, are now only getting garments from W.R.A.P. Certified Factories. WRAP (Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production) is the world's largest facility certification program and while supported by the global apparel industry, it is totally independent.
WRAP is dedicated to ensuring lawful, humane and ethical manufacturing throughout the world. In order to receive certification for facilities, they are regularly audited and must comply with the 12 WRAP principles. These relate to areas such as workplace regulations, child labour, hours of work, health and safety, discrimination and security.
We have no reason to believe that any of our "Made in the USA" or other suppliers are abusing their workers.