The Dharma Trading Co Store & Showroom is the premier knitting yarn source for the San Francisco North Bay. Since 1975 the store has been serving bay area knitters, crocheters, and weavers.
We have all the most popular and newest items that you've seen on the main website, including:
silk, cotton, and rayon scarves
clothing blanks and tee shirts for the whole family
fabric paint, silkscreen ink, silk panting dyes and supplies
everything tie-dye
fabric for dyeing
silk, cotton, linen, bamboo, by the bolt or the yard
dye for almost everything, in every color
tools; including brushes, pens, screens, squeegees, protective gear
books, dvds, and magazines for inspiration and support
dyed and painted examples!
we have the biggest selection of yarn in the Bay Area
enthusiastic employees who know their stuff
Visit the Store
1604 4th Street
San Rafael, CA 94901
(415) 456-1211
Maps >
Dharma Store Hours
10am - 5pm Tues-Sat
CLOSED Sunday & Monday
Please call ahead, (415) 456-1211, if you must have a specific item to ensure it's availability. If you need large quantities or are going for our quantity discounts, it is best to order from our website or call your order in to one of our crazy-friendly customer support representatives at (800) 542-5227. If you are in our area (San Rafael, CA) you can pick it up at the store in San Rafael, the warehouse in Petaluma, or have it shipped to you.
Store Pictures