Featured Artists

Featured Artist : Ulrike Heidler

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Artist Bio / Statement


My name is Ulrike Heidler - I am German, but living at Curacao.

A few years before, I started with my „long time ago“ hobbies again. I am 58 years old now and have the time to try out, what I always wanted to do and never had the time, because I was self-employed. Now I am enjoying all possiblilities, that we never had, when we were young.

After I tried the new sewing machines and filled my closed I started with knitting and crochet - what brought me to your products, because I found out, that it is possible to dye yarn on own. I bought the Dharma acid dyes at that time in Germany, but brought them to Curacao and used them for solar-dying, what is working really good. I knit my own pattern and ideas with this yarnl

In march this year, a friend of mine was asking me, if I would like to create scarfs for her. They wanted to make a tour through Italy and they wanted something, that they would find each other in a crowd. So I said yes and ordered from you silk and easy fix fabric frame and started with dye-na-flow starter kid. After the first 4 scarfs I made 2 more which I sold directly.
Last time I was in Europe, I bought a used electrical steamer and Dupont paints.

My inspirations are coming from the wonderful island Curacao. Water, heaven, people - all that clear colors. It is great to see, what it is possible to do, when you are a little bit brave and open minded. I just can say to everybody, it is not to late to start expanding the mind and to learn every day something new.

I not just work with fabrics and yarn. I do bracelets with Japanese beads and this year I also started metal jewelry making :-). Its no time to get bored.

Contact Info

Website: https://wwyimp.me/

Email: ulrike@wwyimp.me

Instagram: @wwyimp

Dharma Products Used

Dupont Silk Dyes - French Silk Dyes
Jacquard Dye-Na-Flow Fabric Paint
Natural Yarns For Dyeing

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