Featured Artists

Featured Artist : Christopher Snyder

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Artist Bio / Statement

Hello Dharma friends :)

My name is Christopher Snyder and I write you today in hopes of being considered as a featured artist.

I have recently launched a project named IDLE TEARS with the intention of raising mental health awareness, through the medium of tie-dyed products.

My background is in textile design with 20 years experience in the sportswear industry. After lifelong struggles with my own mental health I made the decision to step away from such environments for the time being, and focus on trying to help others.

The process of tie-dye can help you focus and find a bit of calm. Also with its beauty in form of expression it becomes engaging to both the wearer and those in within their surrounding. Through this work of expression, my dream is to build a community of mental health advocates to help as ever one can, in aiding the progression of this greatly misunderstood and underrepresented population.

Right now the products I offer are using your Procion dyes. Although I have purchased so much of your product, I am American but live in France, and it is near impossible to find products of similar quality and price out here. So I tend to want to stock up. With that said I have plans for the future collections to utilize the Procyon dyes in conjunction with lots of others in order to evolve what I am able to offer. I could let you know when I start to use the others as well. :)

It is early days of the project but I hope with some opportunities such as this it will continue to grow. I am only selling items through instagram at the moment, although if I am able to build and audience, I would evolve into a larger platform.

Contact Info


Instagram: @_idletears_

Company email: safe.idletears@gmail.com

Personal email: snyder.christopher@gmail.com


Dharma Products Used

Clothing and Dyeables
Dharma Fiber Reactive Procion Dyes

Customer Comments
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You can combine cotton and rayon clothing & accessories to get the greatest discounts. Your discount is figured on the total number of cotton and rayon items we ship, not how many of each type, style or size. Mix and match them to get the best discount.

Example: adding 4 each of 3 different T-shirts in any sizes will give you the 12+ price on all 12 shirts.

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