Featured Artists

Featured Artist : Heidi Reichenbach Finley

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Artist Bio / Statement

Heidi Reichenbach Finley is a professional marbling artist and instructor based in Michigan's beautiful upper peninsula. Her favorite Dharma products include 14 x 72" silk scarf and handkerchief  blanks and Dharma Acid Dyes; used for preparing the silk for marbling. 

Soon after discovering marbling in 2007 Finley was hooked. "As a painter, I am drawn to the stunning patterns and endless color combinations afforded by marbling on silk." Heidi brings classes and workshops to people of all ages and skill level in Michigan, Indiana, and Ontario, Canada. She is inspired by setting people up for success and then watching all the light bulbs come on!

 "Anyone can learn to marble with the proper guidance and quality materials. Dharma helps me deliver!"

Contact Info

Heidi Reichenbach Finley, Marbling Instructor

Marbling Supplies, LLC




Dharma Products Used

Please see the description for a list of products used.

Customer Comments
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