Featured Artists

Featured Artist : Ellen Gordon

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Artist Bio / Statement

Vivid color kisses pure silk . . . and creates vibrant, wearable art!

Since childhood, my deep and abiding love of color has found outlet in a variety of fiber and textile crafts, including quilting, weaving, yarn spinning, natural dyeing, felting, and sewing.

Now my passion for color finds expression in the marbling tray. Marbling is ideal for exploring color, as every print is a chance to experiment with countless hues and endless combinations.

I create my scarves by hand, one at a time, using tools and equipment I make myself. I also mix many of my own colors, always searching for the warmest apricot, the richest mocha or the most intense scarlet.

Nature is a tremendous source of inspiration, and the colors of each season inspire a different palette. In spring I use the colors of just-opened leaves and blossoms. In summer I explore the countless shades of blue in the ocean. In autumn the blaze of fall foliage sets my marbling tray on fire. And in winter I experiment with deep earth tones and muted neutrals.​

Dharma products I use:

pounds and pounds of methocellulose and alum
dozens and dozens of silk scarf blanks, including satin, charmeuse, chiffon, crepe de chine and habotai, in the 8”, 11” and 14” widths
Jacquard Textile Paints (can't wait to try the new Jacquard Marbling colors, but have to use up my current supply first!)

Contact Info

Ellen Sue Gordon Hand Marbled Silk

website: ellensue.com

email: ellensuegordon@gmail. com

Dharma Products Used

Please see the description for a list of products used.

Customer Comments
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