Featured Artists

Featured Artist : Oksana Danziger

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Artist Bio / Statement

I’m an artist specialising in sustainable practices like eco-printing, Natural Dyeing, and Nuno Felting. With over 30 years of experience in the textile industry, my interest in surface design naturally led me to these techniques. I teach workshops in schools, libraries, and museums, and recently, my Eco printing workshops have become especially popular! In 2023, I received a grant from the New York State Council to run a series of programs at CEED Long Island, where we cultivate our own dye garden and experiment with various Eco printing and indigo dyeing techniques. I often purchase hemmed Habotai silk scarves (11x60”) and natural dyes for my work. Seeing participants leave my workshops wearing the beautiful scarves they’ve created brings me so much joy.

Contact Info

Dharma Products Used

Natural Dyes and Supplies
Felting Supplies - Materials and Tools
Habotai Scarves 8mm

Customer Comments
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