Summertime Smocked Sundress

Summertime Smocked Sundress
3.83 star rating 3.83 ( 7 review )
Product Details 1-11 12-35 36-59 60+
XS, S, M, L $18.94 17.15 15.67 14.43
XL, 2X $22.43 20.32 18.57 17.09
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Our #BCJ354 smocked dress has been popular, so we're bringing you a version with shoulder straps so that a bra can be worn underneath. This is the classic smocked summertime dress seen everywhere these days. Popular because it's easy to wear. Fully smocked bodice (front and back). Wider shoulder straps. Turned and stitched hems throughout. 100% Cotton Jersey. Sewn with cotton thread for perfect dyeing. Not Junior sizing. These are regular Misses sizes. Made by our friends in Bali, Indonesia.


Size    Bust (relaxed-   Length (included   Straps
         stretched)           w/straps
XS          27-32               39            13
S           28-33               40            14
M           29-36               40            14
L           33-40               41            15
XL          36-42               43            16
2X          38-44               43            17
Average Customer Review
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4 star rating
Very cute. She likes it. Smocking gets very dense when being tied up for dyeing if you want saturated color take that into consideration as you prep it.
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2 of 2 users found this review helpful.

5 star rating
Didn't have a problem selling these at a venue I only brought 8 and they all sold within an hour. The women loved them and material was great to work with and look beautiful when you showcase them on a mannequin. Bout to order many more of these beauties. Side note delicate cycle and tumble dry low no issues although it WAS kinda scary to wash it with the smocking but overall very satisfied
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1 of 1 users found this review helpful.

2 star rating
I bought 2 of these. Loved the dress. But after dyeing them and washing them by hand for the 1st time. The elastic started coming apart on both dresses..
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1 of 1 users found this review helpful.

5 star rating
I love this dress. The length is nice to the knee as shown. I bought a size XL and the smocked top is nice and stretchy. I left mine white and did everything around the house in it. I'm buying another one since my old dress wore out from so much usage.
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0 of 0 users found this review helpful.

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