Cotton Folding Sun Hat

Cotton Folding Sun Hat
3.88 star rating 3.88 ( 64 review )
Product Details 1-11 12-35 36-59 60+
Cotton Folding Sun Hat $6.69
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The Cotton Folding Sun Hat is on sale! Enjoy an additional 10% off now through 7/1!

And now, for a really great idea! Take it out of it's pouch and 'pop', it springs open into a 18" sun hat. Then with a simple twist it becomes a 6" disk that goes back into its matching pouch. The bag and hat are 100% cotton so they can be painted, printed & marbled. 

These come only in WHITE!
Also available in silk.

Imagine the possibilities:

  • For promotions
  • For taking on vacations
  • For keeping in your purse
  • Leave one in the car
  • For sale at outdoor concerts, sports events, beaches, wherever there's sun!

Please note:
Collapsible rim is made of metal. Metal can rust if exposed to water for too long. Salt (as in dyebaths) can make it much worse, as can acids or alkali - like Soda Ash that is used with Dharma's fiber reactive Procion Dye, what you would normally use with cotton. Safer to paint these with thin flowable paints like Setasilk or Dynaflow, which you iron to set. These paints are so thin, you can barely tell them from dye. They are such popular hats, they are worth the effort!

Circumference = 23", folds down to 8" diameter!
Brim = 5"

Made in: CHINA (CN)

Brim 5"
Inside Circumference 23"
Inside Diameter 8"

Folding Sun Hat

Average Customer Review
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3 star rating
I don't have a very large head and wear a small in knitwear (due to the need for negative ease) and medium in ready-to-wear hats but this hat is very snug on me. The fabric is also not a tight weave so it won't block as much sunlight as one made for serious sun protection. That said it folds up nicely and fits in my glove compartment so it will make a great emergency sun hat.
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8 of 9 users found this review helpful.

3 star rating
I have a peanut head so these fit me fine but I have not been able to sell many of them because they are just too small! For dying I found out you can use a speed process - dip them in soda ash apply dye steam them just till they are hot rinse wash and the iron the hat dry! The whole process takes less than 10 min for each hat ( ya work fast!) but it yields a beautiful result. After your hats are dry spray them inside and out with scotch guard or snocoat to prevent any further bleeding.
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13 of 15 users found this review helpful.

5 star rating
I've painted these FUN HATS since the mid 80's. Not only are they easy to paint I love using them in my fashion show for the pop out "surprise effect"! Easy to pack and match to outfits. Love em!
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6 of 7 users found this review helpful.

5 star rating
fun pop out hat surprise gift
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8 of 10 users found this review helpful.

3 star rating
I wish that the metal rim were plastic or something that does not rust.
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10 of 13 users found this review helpful.

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