Jacquard folks have outdone themselves! Members of silk painting organizations were asked to test the final product - see their rave reviews below!
Removable Water-based Resist is a superior resist that easily washes out with warm water (even after steaming or setting), revealing the white or colored silk beneath. This new formula holds a crisp line without spreading and does not shrink or pucker when dry. Always paint the dye or paint on after the resist is dry. Never submerge in a dye bath.
Removable Resist may be tinted with any water-based dye for colored lines and is screenable, odorless, alcohol-free and non-toxic. Steaming will set any dye used to color the resist, then wash out the resist, and the colored line will remain.
- Doesn't spread
- Resists better
- Easily tinted
- Smoother consistency
- Washes out better after steaming
- Thicker, so can also be painted on, stenciled on and silkscreened on!
- Use a small amount of water to thin
- Use for "faux batik" just like the old, discontinued Inko Resist