Jacquard's Puff Additive is exactly what it sounds like!
Take your screen printing ink, throw in a bit of Puff Additive, mix thoroughly, print your design like normal, add a little heat with a heat gun - or in your oven - and watch the design slowly rise.
Is it magic?
Is it fun?
Pot life of mixture is indefinite. Once puffed, the print is washfast and dry cleanable.
We've tried this particular additive with Jacquard's Screen Printing Ink, Versatex Printing Ink, and Speedball's Screen Printing Ink.
While it does work with each type, the results are less than favorable with both Versatex and Speedball's products. With that in mind we would recommend either doing your own testing before committing to a large project or to just stick with Jacquard's Screen Inks for best results.
Add to screen printing ink, up to 20% by weight.
Mix thoroughly
Apply ~275°F heat to print and ink will puff in all directions.
Puff Additive has a matte finish and will affect the semi-gloss finish of the screen printing ink in proportion to the amount added.
Puff Additive becomes opaque upon expansion and will opacify your screen printing ink in proportion to the amount added.
Mesh Count:
80-305/inch (32T-122T cm) or according to ink specifications.
While print is wet, heat the entire ink deposit to 275C using a hot air gun or oven to puff. Do not overheat. For best results, allow ink to air cure 72 hours, once puffed, before washing.
Cleans up with water or mild detergent.
Helpful Puff Additive video by Jacquard