Diazo Photo Emulsion Remover

Diazo Photo Emulsion Remover
4.55 star rating 4.55 ( 11 review )
Product Details List Price 1+
8 oz. $9.75 $7.45
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Color Chip / Item image 8 oz.
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Diazo Photo Emulsion Remover allows screens to be re-used. Wash out the old photo emulsion and your screen is ready to start fresh (if only more things in life were this easy to undo...) Works great on the YUDU Photo Emulsion Sheets.
8 oz. Jars



Speedball Diazo Photo Emulsion Remover FAQ


When should I use Photo Emulsion Remover? Is there any other way to remove Photo Emulsion from the screen?


You use the Remover when you want to reclaim the screen for another design. No, there is no other way to remove the Diazo Photo Emulsion from the screen. You may replace the screen fabric by removing the cord, replacing the screen fabric and putting the cord back in. However, you need to be sure the tension is strong.


Is the Diazo Photo Emulsion Remover safe to rinse down the drain?


Yes, the photo emulsion remover is safe to rinse down the drain. It is âہ“neutralized” by the photo emulsion upon cleaning and the concentration of the reactant chemical is very low, which is then lowered by the water wash out. It is similar to rinsing a household detergent or cleaner down the drain.


How do I remove aged photo emulsion?


Brush on Diazo Photo Emulsion Remover to both sides of the screen. Scrub with a dry nylon bristle brush on both sides. Repeat process. Allow to stand exactly 1 ½ minutes. Scrub on both sides with the brush. Repeat process. Continue repeating these steps until you note total dissolving/removal of the stencil. Finally, spray with a hard spray of very hot water, using a nylon bristle brush for complete cleaning. NOTE: The screen stencil must be kept wet with the remover throughout the entire removal procedure.
Average Customer Review
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5 star rating
This stuff worked great on my Yudu screens. It is WAY cheaper than the Yudu brand and does the exact same thing!
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3 of 6 users found this review helpful.

2 star rating
I tried this but had little success. However soaking the screen in bleach for an hour almost cleaned it by itself. A shot with the hose and the screen looked like new. I've had it now for seven years and expect many more.
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1 of 5 users found this review helpful.

3 star rating
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1 of 5 users found this review helpful.

5 star rating
As a high school art teacher I appreciate the effectiveness of this stuff- much less toxic than the old chlorine bleach-and it works instantly! even old screens.
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1 of 6 users found this review helpful.

5 star rating
Diazo Photo Emulsion Remover does the trick! I wouldn't want to be without this stuff.
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0 of 5 users found this review helpful.

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