Angelus Leather Conditioner

Angelus Leather Conditioner

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Angelus Leather Conditioner is a blend of the finest waxes, oils, soaps, and preservatives that can be used on all smooth, exotic, and naked leathers. Leather Conditioner penetrates into leather restoring natural oils while cleaning. Creates a thin film of waxes that can be buffed to a beautiful satin finish.

When properly applied, Leather Conditioner will clean, soften, preserve, polish, prevent cracking, and restore natural beauty to all smooth leather items. An ideal lotion for shoes, boots, saddles, purses, upholstery, luggage, etc. Contains no solvents. DO NOT USE ON SUEDE, NUBUCK, OR NAPPY LEATHERS.


  • Shake well before use.
  • Apply with a clean cloth, rubbing well into leather.
  • Allow to dry.
  • Buff with a soft cloth.
  • Always test on an unseen area before use.


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Average Customer Review
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5 star rating
I bought the preparerdeglazer coffee color dye and conditioner to try to resuscitate a beloved Italian leather jacket that had uneven color due to wear and scuffing from seat belt and shoulder bag use. The products came with excellent instructions online and were easy to use. the results were excellent. I used the entire 4 oz of dye on the jacket as it soaked in to the scuffed ares a lot but the jacket looks much better and is wearable again. The conditioner restored some flexibility to the leather. I may get some Neat's foot oil to finish the job. Thanks Dharma!
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