Featured Artists
We thought it would be a neat idea to showcase the work of artists and businesses who are using Dharma products, so we've been asking customers to send in photos and info so we can share it with you.
If you use our products and would like to be included, just drop us an email and we'll make it happen. If you would like to contact any of the folks showcased, feel free to do so directly.
Featured Artists : Marbling |
Featured Artists by Technique [1] Batik [79] Block Printing [7] Dyeing [126] Fabric Painting [52] Felting [13] Marbling [17] Misc. [15] Mixed Media [57] Printing on Fabric [1] Projects [33] Quilting [27] Silkdyeing [21] Silkpainting [248] Stamping [4] Sun Painting [4] Tie Dye [229] Transferring Designs [9] VIEW ALL [943]
"I just want you to know that when you featured us in your newsletter (The Women Artists of Matenwa, Haiti) we got more heartfelt support and orders than from our own website. Thank you so much!" Yours, Ellen Raquel LeBow |
I guess we should add that we don't personally know all the artists we feature here and so we can't vouch for their reliability. It's not advertising - it's just showing our products in action.