Silk Painting for Wearable Art DVD

with Natasha Foucault

Silk Painting for Wearable Art DVD
4.71 star rating 4.71 ( 7 review )
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Silk Painting for Wearable Art DVD $38.00 $34.20
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Color Chip / Item imageOne Disc- Running time 1.5 Hours
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In Silk Painting for Wearable Art, Natasha Foucault works on a variety of silk frames and fabric sizes, all designed for wearing out on the town or around the pool. Four (4) workshops in one -- working from small to large frames for a variety of wearable art!

An ideal workshop for those interested in silk painting for wearables, as well as those interested in making a living as a textile artist. Ideal for all levels of Silk Painters as well as those interested in surface design, silk painting, and wearable art.

1.5 Hours Instruction • 165-Page Workshop Guide • Project Design Templates...includes a bonus chapter on steam fixing from Jill Kennedy’s DVD!

This course is suitable for Silk Painters and textile artists of all skill levels. While there is no need to prepare for this workshop, if you are new to Silk Painting and would like to have a foundation course before beginning, please consider the workshop Silk Painting with Jill Kennedy as an add-on workshop or prior to this workshop for added benefit.


Average Customer Review
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5 star rating
Excellent information provided in the dvd and downloadable workbook. I am fairly new to silk painting but am already selling scarves so it was a good purchase for me - I plan to branch out to other clothing items. Natasha touches on topics such as copyright infringement and the work hoursfinancial gain ratio. Lots to think about as well as practical information on stretcher frames paints and brushes and designs. The only downside to ordering this is because I live in Canada I had to add currency exchange and taxesduty to the order - with shipping also a $50 dvd turned into a $100 very quickly. Ouch! Not much anybody can do about that. I have always found Dharma Trading to be a model company.I can't say enough about how wonderful they are.
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4 of 5 users found this review helpful.

4 star rating
Beautiful artistic work and informative but get the silk painting DVD too as this French woman assumes a lot. If I hadnt watched the first one I would have been confused on what she was talking about in several places. So many great ideas and techniques. Quick delivery and love the company!
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2 of 3 users found this review helpful.

5 star rating
Natasha Foucault makes silk painting look easy. She has good instruction on applying dye to backgrounds and details. She covers color mixing color application textures and gutta application. She has instruction for wrapping and setting the finished pieces. The video is like taking a good workshop.
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3 of 5 users found this review helpful.

5 star rating
This is worth way more for someone like myself who is diving into silk painting after more than a few years' absence. The camera work on each of her projects in tandem with a clear explanation of her specific techniques used is helpful. Her boundless creativity and experience.with the medium is obvious but is also contagious. The workbook which is included is well worth printing off as well. It's the next best thing to have Natasha in the studio with you! The music is fun as well....
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2 of 4 users found this review helpful.

4 star rating
Some great information not found elsewhere!
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1 of 2 users found this review helpful.

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