Finally, a step-by-step guidebook for tie-dying Stars! We are thrilled to present the most comprehensive instruction manual we’ve come across, written by a longtime tie-dyer and customer of Dharma Trading Co.
There are infinite possibilities of what can be done with tie-dye. This book provides detailed premium color pictures and step-by-step instruction on how to tie and dye the intricate star pattern. Whether you are a production dyer or a hobbyist, you'll find plenty of useful information in this book. Its step-by-step instruction makes it easy to follow, and its detail will make it the reference book on tie-dyeing stars for a long time to come. Includes details of how to choose colors, how to mix dyes in a production environment, washing and care instructions for Procion dye tie-dyes, and more.
After some background and history, we'll go into tying stars, starting with some necessary tools. The book gives a detailed step-by-step tutorial on how to tie a star on a t-shirt, followed by how to tie a star on a tapestry. In the section on Dyeing Stars, it shows the tools and how to modify them to make them easier to work with. Then it goes into detail about how to dye a rainbow star shirt with what might be the best set of pictures about this anywhere. From there we move on to dyeing a raspberry-lavender-turquoise (RLT) star. These techniques can be applied to many color combinations and the book gives a list of color sequences to try. Then we'll move on to tapestries and follow the same order with a rainbow and a raspberry-lavender-turquoise tapestry. The next part will cover dyeing backgrounds, then a section on fixing mistakes, and lastly a list of suppliers.
The author was a production tie-dyer for over 35 years and made thousands of unique tie-dyes during his career. He invented new tools, applicators, patterns, color-combinations, and ways to increase production to save time and money.
8"x10", soft cover, color photos, 131 pages