Cosplayer's Ultimate Guide to EVA Foam

by Beverly Downen

Cosplayer's Ultimate Guide to EVA Foam
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Cosplayer's Ultimate Guide to EVA Foam $34.95 $22.82
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Color Chip / Item imageSoft cover, 240 pages
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Unlock the unlimited possibilities of EVA foam!

Turn your wildest costume dreams into reality! Whether you are a master-level cosplayer or brand-new to making costumes and props, this is the ultimate reference guide to using different kinds of EVA foam and other up-to-date materials and to make epic costumes, props, accessories, and other projects out of this world! If you want to create your own high quality props, EVA foam is the way to go — it is a rubber-like thermoplastic that is both easy to work with, durable, and lightweight. You can build an entire costume with EVA foam — shields, armor, helmet, weapons — without getting weighed down.

  • Knowledge at your fingertips! This comprehensive guidebook - take it with you to shop for materials, write notes and bookmark your favorite chapters, and use it right at your workstation
  • Expand your cosplay skills with the latest industry techniques and materials, step-by-step tutorials, and 4 projects to get you started
  • Create patterns for perfectly fitting costumes and accessories every time and use the patterns included to guide the way

Made in: CHINA (CN)

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