Featured Artist : Kim MoorekjmSILKS

Artist Bio / Statement
When I was five, I told my mother that I wanted to be an artist when I grew up. Of course, I already was! I have been an artist my whole life. Starting with “Special Art” in kindergarten, and continuing through stained glass, drawing, and painting lessons, I finished my course of study at Bard College, where I received a Bachelor’s of Arts in painting. I have always loved painting, especially oil painting, but I also paint with acrylics, ink and watercolor.
I first learned silk painting on my honeymoon at Club Med. I painted two large silk squares, which I later made into pillows. Eventually, the pillows wore out, and for our 10th anniversary a few years ago, I decided to paint replacement pillows. I read Caroline Earl’s book, Beginner’s Guide to Silk Painting, and ordered a beginner’s silk painting kit from Dharma Trading. The pillows were a big hit, and I loved the process. After the birth of my second child, I realized I would have to take a break from oil painting, and I started experimenting more with silk painting. I enjoy the freedom of painting on silk, a totally different experience from painting in oil. I get the inspiration for my hand-painted silks from many sources, including my tropical surroundings, the holidays, and modern art.
I get all of my supplies from Dharma, including habotai silk scarves, neckties and pillow covers; water soluble resist; Jacquard Dye-na-Flow paints, gold and black water soluble resists by Pebeo, and salts.
Kim Moore
Coral Gables, Florida
Contact Info