Featured Artists

Featured Artist : Jakki Moore

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Artist Bio / Statement

I have been using Dharma products ever since I came across silkpainting in California 14 years ago. I began by making 20"x20" Habotai 10mm silk scarves, and gradually progressed to the larger scarves, using Tinfix dyes.

As I am continually experimenting with ways to frame/hang my silk paintings, the neatly sewn edges of the silk scarves aren't so important to me now, as they are often not seen. Now I paint on cut yardage (still loyal to Habotai 10mm!), but now I use Jacquard dyes and waterbased resists... Sennelier for clear, and Pebeo for black. I love to travel, and most of my inspiration comes from feelings, people, and animals. I am currently living in Norway and find it difficult to find alcohol to dilute my dyes, because of the strict laws regarding such matters.

Kind regards,

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Dharma Products Used

Habotai Scarves 8mm
Sennelier Tinfix Design Silk Dye
Silk Scarves & Veils
Jacquard Silk Colors (Green Label)
Water Based Resists
Sennelier Aqua Guttas - Clear
Pebeo Water-Based Guttas in Tubes - Clear and Colors

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