Diazo Sensitizer is used with Diazo Photo Emulsion, and is the ingredient that makes the emulsion light sensitive and ready to develop.
One 1 oz. bottles of Sensitizer are needed for our 6.6 oz Photo Emulsion bottle.
Side note: The tiny bottle may appear to be empty but follow the directions on the side of the bottle and the eensy dark blob that is hiding in the bottle will become quickly apparent!
Diazo Sensitizer is a paste-like substance. Depending on storage conditions, we’ve found that it can sometimes stiffen/ harden. So this may require allowing the product to sit in the water for a minute or two, to ensure that the hardened product dissolves properly and gets mixed into the Diazo Photo Emulsion.
No due date at this time Now sold in a 1oz bottle! Must use 1 bottle per 6.6 oz. Photo Emulsion