Alter Ego Dyes

Dyes for Silk/Rayon blends

Alter Ego Dyes
4.58 star rating 4.58 ( 52 review )

USE FOR: Tub Dyeing on cellulose/protein blends to get different colors on each fabric

USE ON: Devore (burnout) fabrics and scarves like Rayon silk velvet and Devore rayon/silk satin

Product Details List Price 1-4 5-9 10+
50ml. $10.95 $8.49 $7.65 $7.09
250ml $23.40 $21.25 $19.35 $17.75

Bigger Colorchips [+]
1 Jonquille (Primary)
250ml - Sorry, this item is temporarily sold out. No due date available at this time.
2 Passion
3 Garance
4 Vermillon (Primary)
250ml - Sorry, this item is temporarily sold out. No due date available at this time.
5 Marron Glace
6 Bleu Molene (Primary)
250ml - Sorry, this item is temporarily sold out. No due date available at this time.
7 Bleu Infini
8 Troene
9 Aster
250ml - Sorry, this item is temporarily sold out. No due date available at this time.
10 Tulipe Noire
11 Bleu Primaire
All prices calculated in US$
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Viscose colors to be used in combination with Dupont Silk Colors for silk/rayon blends. Alter Ego Dyes are tailored specifically for dyeing patterned Silk/Rayon blends, like Devore Satin where the backing is silk and the pattern overlay is rayon, or Silk Velvet where the pile is rayon and the backing is silk. Alter Ego dyes provide colors that will dye only the rayon fibers. Use Dupont French Silk Dyes to dye only the silk fibers. You choose one of each type of dye and pour them both into the dye bath together with your fabric or scarf, add vinegar, salt and fixative, simmer them in a pot on the stove for 30 minutes and SHAZAM! You get a beautifully dyed pattern in the two colors you chose.

The Alter Ego Dye only fully dyes the rayon fibers and will leave a lighter shade on the silk if you don't also use a Dupont French Silk Dye for the silk fibers. Absolutely fabulous results, and so easy to use even a blind-folded crazy man in a straight jacket could do it! If you like cut silk/rayon velvet or devore satin goods, in any form, you have to try these dyes! The results are fantastic, and they are so easy to use you will love them.

Please note: Dupont, the manufacturer of the Alter Ego Dyes, decided to discontinue the Alter Ego Silk Colors. Their reasoning is that the formula of the Alter Ego Silk Dyes is the same as their Dupont French Silk Dyes, which have a much larger color selection. Dupont has done extensive testing and claims that all 80 Dupont French Silk Colors will work in place of the Alter Ego Silk colors. Please see the Dupont silk colors here.

The manufacturer recommends the following Dupont French Silk Dyes as replacements:

  • Genet #51 use Jeune Primaire #717
  • Physalis #52 use Cuivre #773
  • Zinnia #53 use Muira #409
  • Capucine #54 use Coquelicot #427
  • Ecorce #55 use Loutre #803
  • Ardoise #56 use Vieux Blue #209
  • Turquoise #57 use Cyan #221
  • Santoline #58 use Vert Nil #618
  • Reglisse #60 use Noir #100
  • Chardon #59 is discontinued

NOTE: The salt and vinegar in the kit can be replaced with regular table salt and white vinegar if necessary. However, the Alter Ego Dye Fixative IS required. It cannot be replaced with Soda Ash or Dharma Dye Fixative.

Alter Ego Dyeing Instructions

Six steps to dyeing:

  1. Put Lukewarm water in a saucepan.
  2. Add the two colors (silk and viscose), the fixative, the vinegar, and the cooking salt. MIX WELL!
    NOTE: The colors will be mixed in the water but they will separate again on the fabric.
  3. Rinse the fabric in lukewarm water, squeeze it out and while still damp put it in the saucepan (the salt will not dissolve completely).
  4. Put the saucepan on low heat and stir during 5 minutes in order to homogenize the dyes, then increase the heat up to boiling for 20 minutes.
    After that, keep at a simmer for 20 minutes.
    Turn the heat off and leave to stand for 10 minutes.
  5. Rinse under running water and then wash in lukewarm soapy water. Finish rinsing in clear water and squeeze out the fabric.
  6. Lay the fabric flat on an absorbent paper to dry or, better still, iron the fabric on the wrong side protecting it with an absorbent paper.

Manufacturer's Brochure

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Easy Alter Ego Scarves
Quick and easy, and they make fantastic gifts!
Alter Ego Dye Scarf
These dyes are amazing! This tutorial will teach you how to use them and show you their vibrancy on one of our Devore Cut Satin Scarves.
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This fixative is designed for the use of Alter Ego Dyes. It is required to set the dye on the fabric.

Product Details 1+
Alter Ego Dyes Fixative $8.44
Product Details Qty
Color Chip / Item image Fixative 125ml
Is absolutely necessary when using the alter ego dyes. No due date available at this time.
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Everything you need (except the devore scarves) to try out the amazing Alter Ego Dyes.

Alter Ego Dyes Kit contains:
3 50ml Alter Ego dyes: 3 50ml Dupont Dyes:
  • #1(725) - Jonquille
  • #3(435) - Garance
  • #7(241) - Bleu Infini
  • #717 Jaune Primaire
  • #221 Cyan
  • #420 Carmin

Kit also includes:

  • 50ml Vinegar
  • 50 ml Fixative
  • 1 Droppers
  • 2 Portion cups
  • Instructions

Product Details 1+
Alter Ego Dyes Kit $56.66
Product Details Qty
Color Chip / Item imageAlter Ego Dyes Kit
No due date available at this time.
This product is outofstock
In Stock = In Stock | Out Of Stock = Out Of Stock | Special Order = Special Order | Drop Ship = Drop Ship

Average Customer Review
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4 star rating
Easy to use. I use a syringe from children's medecine to measure ml's. I found that the recommended dye amounts per weight of silkrayon pretty liberal - that is I cut the amount of dye used per item and colors are still pretty saturated and bright. This lowers the cost per item (it is pretty expensive). Colors can be mixed to provide different shades and custom colors - I used a blotting filter to gauge the shade and color - just if you add color to the pot be sure and thoroughly mix it before adding the material.
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26 of 28 users found this review helpful.

4 star rating
It took me a while to get the results I wanted but once I did they were fabulous! I found it easier to mix my own colors using the primary colors and keeping accurate records rather than relying on their mixed colors. Also MIX WELL before adding the fabric. Learned this one the hard way!
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9 of 9 users found this review helpful.

5 star rating
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11 of 13 users found this review helpful.

5 star rating
Vibrant beautiful clean colors very professional results extremely easy to use.
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12 of 15 users found this review helpful.

5 star rating
Fun dye to use on silkrayon fabric. You get to watch it dye differently on the 2 types of fibers yet be able to do this all at the same time in the same dyebath.
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15 of 19 users found this review helpful.

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