Featured Artist : Margot Silk Forrest | Sassy Feet

I am a wearables artist from California, who fell in love with Lumiere paint three years ago, when I discovered how well it works on leather. That was the beginning of my passion for designing, painting, and embellishing shoes, and for teaching other people how to do it.
I’ve written a book about using Lumiere and Neopaque paints on leather, fabric, and faux leather shoes. It’s called Sassy Feet! How to Paint, Bead, Bedeck, and Embellish Your Shoes. There is a lot of free how-to information on my website, www.SassyFeet.com and stories of my DIY shoe-design adventures on my blog, http://glittersweatshop.typepad.com.
Margot Silk Forrest
(805) 771-9522

Lumiere and Neopaque Fabric Paint
Lumiere & Neopaque is just about the best fabric paint available! Concentrated high quality pigments and perfect coverage even on dark fabric.