Customer Service & Information Page

First things first, for items shipped directly from our warehouse in sunny Petaluma, California:
  • Orders placed before 11am (PST) Monday - Friday are almost always* shipped the same day.
  • Orders placed after 11am (PST) Monday - Friday are almost always* shipped the next business day.
  • Orders placed on weekends are almost always* shipped Monday.
  • While the various shipping companies we use (UPS, FedEx, etc.) tend to be reliable with their delivery dates, they do not guarantee them.
  • When calculating delivery dates, only business days are counted - not holidays & weekends, and not the first day we process & ship your order**.
*We do our best to pack & ship all orders as fast as possible, and occasionally on super-busy days air shipments get first priority while some slower service shipments may have to ship the following day.
**When calculating delivery dates, only business days are counted - not holidays & weekends, and not the first day we process & ship your order.
Example: an Economy 3-Day Air order placed on Tuesday afternoon (or Wednesday morning before 11am PST) will almost always be processed & shipped on Wednesday, so when figuring the arrival date Thursday counts as "day 1". (If you had asked for Express Next Day Overnight shipping, it would get to you on Thursday.) With 3-Day shipping, the order would arrive on the following Monday (because Friday is "day 2", the weekend does not count, and Monday is "day 3").
In this example, if you really needed your order by Friday, you would have to use 2-day delivery, not 3-day. Phew, if you are confused about that or have a really important deadline, call us and we'll be glad to help you figure out the delivery dates and options!
Also, please note the following:
  1. Not all services are available to every zip code.
  2. For all shipping transit times, we are talking about business days.
  3. If you choose to use the Postal Service and they lose, delay or misplace your package, there will be a 30 day delay before we can replace it while they track it. We prefer other carriers since we can easily locate, trace and resolve problems.
  4. Drop-shipped items, items shipped direct from the manufacturer, may not be shipped as fast as our own lightning fast service. They may require an additional day or two to ship out, depending on the manufacturer.
  5. UPS and Fed Ex will not deliver to Post Office Boxes, only physical addresses.

Fine print / Dimensional weight: In general, shipping costs are based on the total weight of your order, i.e. lightweight stuff costs less than heavy stuff to ship. However, UPS, USPS and Fed-Ex sometimes charge Dimensional Weight for very large, very lightweight packages. This amounts to billing the shipping at what the weight of that large package 'should' be. So, the shipping we quote you is almost always, but sadly not always, the cost you will need to pay for shipping. Added charges by UPS, USPS or Fed-Ex for Dimensional Weight can increase shipping cost at the last minute. In these very infrequent cases we will contact you to sort it out before we ship.

Customer Comments
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If you'd rather speak with a human, please call toll-free from anywhere in the U.S. or Canada M-F 8am to 5pm PST

Phone: (800) 542-5227

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About Tiered Discount Levels

You can combine cotton and rayon clothing & accessories to get the greatest discounts. Your discount is figured on the total number of cotton and rayon items we ship, not how many of each type, style or size. Mix and match them to get the best discount.

Example: adding 4 each of 3 different T-shirts in any sizes will give you the 12+ price on all 12 shirts.

Visual aid for discount details

Visual aid for how discounts will look in cart

Some products may be excluded from discounts, and / or may discount only with themselves. If you have any questions at all please contact us toll free at 800-542-5227 (no buttons, just humans).

Drag and Drop chips to the Palette first.

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