Featured Artist : Wen Redmond |

“Fiber art has sustained my creative impulses since 1975. It is a fluid and expanding art form. I enjoy pushing the boundaries to see ‘what if’.”
I am a mixed media/fiber artist. My work can include painting, using the Seta paints; regular and silk, dying with pigments; Dyna Flow and Dharma’s own pigment system, stamping; Lumeriene, screen-printing; with Versatex, Shiva Paintstiks, mono printing and other means of surface design. I use tons of their products!! What a resource!
My latest work contains digital printing. This involves using my own photographs, and printed on prepared ink jet fabrics. Dharma has a great collection of these. I like the rolls. I create all of the textiles I use. I continue to explore my chosen medium, fabric, to see what it can do, to stretch its perception as art medium. Each work is unique and created individually.
Wen Redmond
Mixed Media /Contemporary Art in Fiber
WEBSITE http://WenRedmond.com
BLOG http://fiberartgoddess.blogspot.com
ETSY SHOP http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=6325064
Twitter me http://twitter.com/wenredmond
Salmon Falls Mill, Rollinsford NH
First Star Farm, Strafford, NH

Pebeo Products

Dye-Na-Flow Fabric Paint
Dye-Na-Flow is a free flowing, concentrated liquid color for use on any untreated fabric. Flows like a dye!

Dharma Pigment Dye
A highly concentrated, non-toxic pigment system that when applied to fabrics, feels more like dye than paint.

Everything you need to know about Stamping: How it's done, getting started, ideas and projects, materials, examples, advanced information and more!

Lumiere and Neopaque Fabric Paint
Lumiere & Neopaque is just about the best fabric paint available! Concentrated high quality pigments and perfect coverage even on dark fabric.

Screen Printing
Screen printing, also called serigraphy or silk screening, is the preferred way to print a logo, text, or artwork repeatedly on fabric.

Shiva Paintstiks
With these beautiful, opaque Shiva Paintstiks both beginners and seasoned fiber artists can transform ordinary fabrics into unique embellished works of art!