Dharma Trading Co.
Tariff Information
Dharma Trading Co.
Tariff Increase Information

As of May 10th, 2019 the USA has increased tariffs on many Chinese imports from the current 10% to 25%
This increase affects all silk fabrics, many other fabrics, some silk accessories and other items. It will also apply to fabrics imported from China to make clothing here in the US, or yarn imported to make fabrics here in the US, which will ultimately increase the cost of garments made from these fabrics. It will take awhile longer for those types of increases to take effect.

Any shipments exported to the USA after May 10th, 2019 will be subject to the additional 15% tax.

Current stock will not be affected, and there is always a chance a new deal will be reached that will change this, but barring that, silk and some other prices will start increasing as those shipments are stocked.

This email is information only, so that you can plan your purchases accordingly. We are not being political, we have never been. We are not international trade experts. We don't know what the long term costs / benefits of these tariffs will be. We just want to inform you of significant changes in the marketplace, so you can better prepare for the summer season.
Dharma Trading Co.
Act Fast!
1805 S. McDowell Blvd. Ext., Petaluma, CA 94954 USA
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