For best results allow painted or printed fabric to dry thoroughly for at least one half hour. For faster drying, place under a lamp, then heat-set. Heat setting locks color into fibers allowing for normal laundering. Home dryers DO NOT WORK. Commercial Dryer: 250° minimum temperature for 45 minutes. Be sure to pre-heat dryer. Iron: Note that temperature varies iron to iron. When using an iron, pre-heat iron at maximum temperature for fabric. Place aluminum foil on ironing board and the painted side of the fabric down. Press against the backside for at least 15-25 seconds per square foot. Using a Commercial Conveyor Type Oven: 350° for 3 minutes, two passes if necessary. Fabric should be hot to the touch to set colors. NOTE: Optimum time and temperature required to properly heat-set will vary depending on fabric, coverage and equipment.