Natural Dyes (from plants and insects)

We have a bigger selection than ever before! Go back in history, dye something the way they did back in the day. Natural Dyes are usually used with a mordant to make them "stick" to the fabric (check out the related products at the bottom of the page), and generally give more muted tones on plant fibers like cotton and rayon, but are brilliant on wools and silks. Don't assume that they are better for the environment - it depends - read about it first.

Alkanna tinctoria
Bixa Orellana
Fair Trade and organic from a 5 family farming co-op
Cutch Chunks
Acacia catechu
Lawsonia inermis
Himalayan Rhubarb
Rheum Australe
Organic Indigo
Indigofera tinctoria
Mallotus philippensis
Terminalia Chebula
Madder Root
Rubia cordifolia L.
Ground Oak Galls
Quercus Infectoria
Ground Pomegranate Peels
Punica Granatum
Whole Dried Q'olle Flowers
Buddleja coriacea
Sappanwood Sawdust

Customer Comments
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Phone: (800) 542-5227

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About Tiered Discount Levels

You can combine cotton and rayon clothing & accessories to get the greatest discounts. Your discount is figured on the total number of cotton and rayon items we ship, not how many of each type, style or size. Mix and match them to get the best discount.

Example: adding 4 each of 3 different T-shirts in any sizes will give you the 12+ price on all 12 shirts.

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Visual aid for how discounts will look in cart

Some products may be excluded from discounts, and / or may discount only with themselves. If you have any questions at all please contact us toll free at 800-542-5227 (no buttons, just humans).

Drag and Drop chips to the Palette first.

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