Bolivian Cooperative (Fair Trade) Clothing

Bolivian Cooperative (Fair Trade) Clothing

The owners of Dharma (50 years and counting) have a variety of interests, one of which is "Social Entrepreneurship". For us that means "helping people help themselves".

Having lived in the third world, what seems to work best there is to provide a way for people to earn a living and enabling them to solve their own problems. Among our projects are several sewing and weaving cooperatives in Bolivia.

We have these co-ops make clothing and accessories to our specifications. Dharma provides the money for them to buy the materials, then buys the goods at the prices they set and imports and sells the items.

To ensure that their merchandise sells well, we sell it near our cost to get it here. Dharma makes between nothing and less than usual on these items. That's why they are sometimes less expensive than similar items in our catalog. We can afford to not make much profit on these items - no big deal! The point is, it's a bargain for you, it provides work for the co-op members and we at Dharma feel good about doing it.

That's the story - there are other groups we work with too - like the weavers in Central Java that make our cotton scarves. This is just a thing we do that we hope is helping some folks while allowing us to offer you some nicely made goods that our customers can feel good about buying. 

For a detailed report on some of the other stuff we do to help, click here.

Fair Trade Products

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Phone: (800) 542-5227

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About Tiered Discount Levels

You can combine cotton and rayon clothing & accessories to get the greatest discounts. Your discount is figured on the total number of cotton and rayon items we ship, not how many of each type, style or size. Mix and match them to get the best discount.

Example: adding 4 each of 3 different T-shirts in any sizes will give you the 12+ price on all 12 shirts.

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Some products may be excluded from discounts, and / or may discount only with themselves. If you have any questions at all please contact us toll free at 800-542-5227 (no buttons, just humans).

Drag and Drop chips to the Palette first.

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