Sunflower Tie-Dyes with Mr. Tie-Dye!
a Dharma featured tutorial
Nothing brings a smile quite like a Sunflower, they are literally a burst of sunshine and good vibes. Carl McClellan of Mr.Tie-Dye has shared his fantastic videos featuring our Dharma Fiber Reactive dyes with us so we can help you tie and dye up some of your own sunshine to wear or decorate your space with.
Shopping list:
- Fiber Reactive Dyes
- Yellows, pick a brighter one and deeper one - #165 Daffodil, #67 Marigold, #2 Bright Yellow, #4 Golden yellow
- Center Brown(s), pick one or two- #35 Dark Brown, #135 Truffle Brown, #142 Dutch Chocolate, #35A Chocolate Brown
- Greens, pick a bright and dark- #29 Bright Green, #30A New Emerald Green, #66 Kelly Green, #31 Dark Green
- Tying Options
- Synthetic White Sinew #FSW
- Rubber Bands #RB
- Hemostats/Forceps #HEMO- Note ours are straight not curved.
- Soda Ash #FIX
- Urea
- Squeeze Bottles #SB
- Washable Marker- #CWM8
- Washable Marker
- Gloves
- Dust Mask #DM
- Measuring Spoons #MSET2
- Professional Textile Detergent #PTD
- Optional Things
- Sodium Alginate Thickener for adding to the dyes
- Heat Shrink tubing- used on the hemostats by some to avoid clamp bite marks on the fabric, found at the local hardware store
Let's get started!
Pre-wash your blank item, shirt, fabric, etc. with Dharma Professional Textile Detergent.
Mix your dyes:
Wear your dust mask and gloves! Measure urea and warm water into a container, an old pitcher works well. Use the chart below to figure out how much dye you need, which will depend on how many shirts you want to make up. You could have a whole field of sunflower shirts!
You will need to pick two yellows for the sunflower petals, a brown for the center and some greens for the background. Other colors will work for the background too but we leave that up to you.
Soda Soak your item(s)- Mix 1 cup of soda ash to per gallon of water. Add item(s) and let them soak for 10-15 minutes. Squeeze out as much of the extra soak as possible so things are just damp with it. If things are too wet it is harder to control the color spread later.
How to do the folds:
Option One uses rubber bands/sinew/string
Option Two uses hemostats/forceps
Apply your dyes!
Wrap the dyed item(s) up in plastic to keep them damp and put them in a warm spot to sit for 12-24 hours for the best color results.
Pre-fill your washing machine with hot water and 1/4 cup Professional Textile Detergent. Rinse the tie-dyes thoroughly with cold water, as you untie/clamp things rinse and keep rinsing until water runs fairly clear. Throw in the machine as soon as it is rinsed, running it through a full cycle. Don't wash more than the equivalent of about 8 adult size t-shirts at a time or the water gets too muddy. You can use Milsoft professional fabric softener in the final rinse to make your tie-dyes super soft!