Here's a cute variation for our basic tie dye instructions.
Cute cute cute! Cute enough to eat! Enjoy some bright summertime color with this yummy summertime project!
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Let's get started!
Lay out a plastic drop cloth on a table and evenly gather the bottom 2 inches of the dress in your hand, keeping the hem even.
Tie one rubber band about 2 inches above hem and tie the second rubber band about 1/2 inch higher (we are trying to keep a little white in the rind).
Soak your tied fabric in a soda ash solution. Wring out excess soda ash solution and arrange the dress on the plastic, laying it out.
Dissolve about 2 teaspoons of Rose Red (#11A) dye in about 1 1/2 cups of water, making a paste first to be sure dye is dissolved. Add about a teaspoon of dissolved Urea. Dissolve about 1/2 teaspoon of Forest Green (#31A) dye in about 1/2 cup of water in the same way as the red, adding about 1/2 teaspoon of dissolved Urea.
Using a foam brush, carefully sponge the green dye onto the hem of the dress (the first third of the dress) up to the first rubber band.
Using another foam brush, sponge the red dye onto the last third (the major portion of the dress). Keep the middle third (the 1/2") white.
Carefully turn the dress over and sponge-dye the back side. Then, turning the dress back over, lay the dress out again as shown. Cover with a plastic sheet and let sit overnight.
Rinse dress in cool water until water runs clear. Untie the rubber bands, wash in hot water with 1/2 teaspoon of Kieralon, rinse and dry
Lay the dyed dress back onto the plastic sheeting and slip a small piece of plastic between the layers of the dress. Using a small brush and Neopaque Black Fabric paint, paint on small black watermelon seeds. Let dry, then iron to make permanent.