Featured Artists

Featured Artist : Adriana Mederos

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Artist Bio / Statement

My name is Adriana Mederos – my friends call me Gigi. I am a Venezuelan multi-media artist, and a surface and textile designer living and working in the USA since coming here to go to art school in 1980.

I love to draw - pen and ink, graphite, colored pencils - I also paint on canvas and paper. When printmaking, I prefer techniques that do not require a traditional press; I make mixed-media works. Since 2012, I've been painting on silk. I like to use the serti technique when creating my hand-painted silk scarves. I paint year-round in my studio and, over the last two summers, I painted silk scarves in my studiio/gallery in the Rocky Neck Art Colony in Gloucester MA; both indoors and outdoors.

Nature, imagination and just about anything that I find beautiful around me. I am in my studio full-time; because of this practice, the muses find me hard at work when they visit. I keep an extensive collection of my own drawings - past and current- which I love to revisit when searching for ideas for a new scarf project.

I use Dynaflow and Setasilk for my paints and I rely in Dharma's high-quality silk blanks for my scarves. I use silk Habotai, charmeuse and crepe de chine. Oh! I almost forgot to mention how much I love their tutorials and the wonderful team at customer service. They are always happy to answer any questions I may have.

Contact Info

Adriana "Gigi" Mederos

Guatopo Design

Aquatro Gallery



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